It is with a heavy heart that the Branch Officers’ have to announce the passing of John McGiveron after a short illness
John served 26 years as a Customs and Revenue Officer, beginning in the Liverpool parcel post, then the South One, Gladstone docks (Liverpool container terminal). He then ‘emigrated’ to Scotland in 1974 and worked the rest of his career at Prestwick International airport, becoming a ‘trainer assessor’ before taking early retirement in 1996. Following this, he accepted a position as a ticket examiner in Scotrail railways, travelling on the West Coast line down to South Ayrshire. An opportunity came his way to have a complete change of career, and he had some fun becoming a ‘support actor’ on some of Scotland’s popular soap operas, (High Road, Still Game and Taggart, to name just a few, and also a movie with Robert Duvall and Ally McCoist).
John joined the CSPA Scotland Branch in 2008 and became Glasgow & District Group Vice Chair, with Bob Flavill as Chair, in 2014. Bob retired in 2017 due to health problems and John was elected as Branch Chair at the Branch AGM the same year, stepping down from the Glasgow & District Vice Chair position.
John was also elected to the CSPA National Executive Council where he continued to enjoy working for and on behalf of the Scotland Branch members. There is a saying that everyone from Liverpool thinks they are a comedian, but those who encountered John will know that he had a “wicked” sense of humour and were often on the receiving end of it!
John’s favourite pastime was building scale models of locomotives and rolling stock, a hobby that he was particularly talented at, he also enjoyed the occasional single malt whisky! John worked tirelessly alongside the other Branch Officers until ill health forced him to step down from the Branch chair, and eventually all CSPA duties.
John is survived by his loving wife, Christine.
On the 1st November Michael Kirby, Branch Membership Secretary, presented a cheque to Alzheimer’s Scotland in Glasgow in accordance with the wishes of Christine, in lieu of flowers.